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Other Offenses

Other Federal Offenses

As you know from reading, there are literally thousands of federal felony offenses and a slew of federal misdemeanor offenses. Although we’ve touched on some of the more common offenses, more remain to be discussed:

Grand Jury Witnesses

Unlike in state court, the federal government charges people with crimes by presenting evidence to a grand jury and asking the members of the grand jury to issue a criminal indictment. Thus, if you witnessed, may know something about, or actually took part in a federal crime, you may be subpoenaed by federal prosecutors to provide documents to or testify in front of a federal grand jury.

The federal system is complicated. Mistakes, poor decisions, even choices that seemed right at the time - can quickly turn into federal crimes like Perjury, False Statements, or Obstruction of Justice.

If you should ever be served with a federal grand jury subpoena, either for documents or testimony, you need the guidance of an experienced federal criminal defense attorney to ensure you do not implicate yourself in criminal activity, inadvertently violate the law, or otherwise supply the government with a motive to indict you. Failure to do so may result in bad, sometimes irreversible consequences.

Misprision of Felony

While most people are aware that specific conduct is criminal in nature, most are unaware that under federal law it is a felony offense, punishable by up to 3 years in prison, to know someone else has committed a federal felony offense, conceal its commission, and then fail to report it as soon as possible to a judge or other person in authority.

Immigration Offenses

The most common immigration crime is illegal re-entry. If you have been removed or deported from the United States or denied admission to the United States, it is a federal felony offense to re-enter the United States. Illegal re-entry offenses carry serious prison time. Non-citizens who re-enter the United States after removal for a felony conviction, face up to 10 years in prison followed by deportation. Non-citizens who re-enter after removal for an aggravated felony offense (defined further under I.N.A §101(a)(43)), face up to 20 years in prison followed by deportation. Those who commit additional crimes after illegal re-entry face even more severe punishment.

In addition to illegal re-entry cases, the Stracci Law Group also defends clients charged with:

  • Smuggling or Harboring an Illegal Immigrant
  • Preparation of Fraudulent Governmental Documents
  • Falsifying Immigration Forms
  • Aiding and Abetting Illegal Re-entry

Immigration Consequences of a Federal Conviction

Being convicted of either a state or federal criminal offense oftentimes leads to removal proceedings. This is true for both non-citizens with documentation (permanent residents holding green cards and temporary residents like students) as well as those without documentation. Convictions for a wide variety of criminal offenses can make a person removable. Some are minor offenses like shoplifting and may have been committed many years ago; others like domestic violence, child abuse, controlled substance, and firearms violations are more serious. There is no statute of limitations for removal proceedings.

There is also a difference between removable and inadmissible crimes. Convictions for some offenses have no impact whatsoever on a documented non-citizen and will not lead to removal proceedings. But, the same conviction can cause problems for a person who leaves the United States, perhaps to visit family abroad, and afterward attempts re-entry. Some crimes, although non-removable, are inadmissible, meaning the conviction prohibits re-entry to the United States. Some common inadmissibility grounds are certain crimes involving moral turpitude, controlled substances, prostitution, fraud, and larceny.

Revocation of Probation or Supervised Release

Only in the federal system could two different words be used to describe essentially the same thing. Both involve living in the community under specific conditions and being monitored by a federal probation officer. When the monitoring occurs instead of a prison sentence, it is called probation. When it is ordered to occur after the completion of a prison sentence, it is called supervised release.

Probation Violations

If a court determines you have violated a condition of your federal probation, it may continue your probation, extend the term of or modify the conditions of your probation, or revoke your probation and impose any other sentence that initially could have been imposed. For some probation violations, revocation is required by statute.

Supervised Release Violations

If a court determines you have violated a condition of your federal supervised release, it may continue your supervised release, extend the term of or modify the conditions of your supervised release, or revoke your supervised release and impose a term of imprisonment. The amount of prison time a judge can impose for a supervised release violation is limited by statute and is oftentimes less than what can be imposed for a probation violation.​

Like with all federal sentencing decisions, the judge will consider the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in imposing its sentence.

Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction

Being convicted of a crime brings with it a host of unanticipated consequences. “Collateral consequences” are opportunities and benefits no longer fully available to a person, or legal restrictions a person may be required to operate under, because of a criminal conviction, including loss of voting rights, denial of employment or licensing, inability to possess a firearm, or other tangible benefits like education, housing, or other entitlements.​

Under federal law alone, a felony conviction may render a person ineligible for jobs, public housing or housing vouchers, supplemental nutritional benefits, student loans, federal scholarships, and tax credits. And under state laws, a host of other restrictions may be imposed. The impact of “collateral consequences” is often raised in the context of incarceration, but “collateral consequences” may also attach to those who have never been incarcerated and to misdemeanor convictions.

The National Institute of Justice, under Congressional mandate, collects and studies collateral consequences in all United States jurisdictions. The results are available through this interactive tool.

Schedule a Free Consultation About Your Federal Criminal Investigation or Case!

We want you to be confident that we are the best choice for you; therefore, the Stracci Law Group offers free, comprehensive, and confidential consultations. Call (219) 525-1000 today to schedule a time to meet with us, personally discuss your situation, and learn more about our services, knowledge, and federal courtroom experience. Contact us today.

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Our Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Team Behind You

Paul G. Stracci, the leader of our team, defended a murder case only 10 months out of law school and won a complete acquittal. He has since developed a powerful reputation as a devastatingly effective criminal trial attorney.

The Team Behind You

Alison L. Benjamin began her legal career years ago as a state court prosecutor. She is known to be a thoughtful and passionate litigator, and now focuses her practice on representing clients charged with federal crimes. Her tenacity makes her well-suited to resolve the complexities that arise in defending clients charged with federal crimes.

The Team Behind You

Maryam Afshar-Stewart, a former prosecutor, has risen rapidly as a criminal defense attorney thanks to her remarkable work ethic and undying commitment to the cause of justice for her clients.

The Team Behind You

Michael Woods is an experienced criminal trial attorney who has handled thousands of cases ranging from simple traffic tickets to complex homicides. A deputy prosecuting attorney for nearly 10 years, Michael knows what makes a case weak or strong, and can give clients an honest and realistic evaluation of their case.


"If you got legal issues I highly recommend this company. They got me out of a jam! With all charges dropped. And reasonably priced."
Cliftin Branch, Criminal Case
"I can actually say that Paul is a GREAT LAWYER!! Takes care of business. He got a very big felony dismissed that was hovering over my life for a couple of years and stopped me from doing many things freely, He also got a Dui Dismissed as well as a few other things! My record is now clean. Thank you Paul Stracci!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
"I just want to reach out again to thank you. I’m so incredibly grateful for all your help and hard work. We both are!! My entire family is. I could never say thank you enough. In my head, I knew that he was innocent and never intended for any of this to happen. That he was only defending himself but the fact that they charged him and put him in jail was so terrifying. From the very first time I talked to you over the phone and then came in and met you both, I knew God helped me pick the right attorneys. My son was in the very best hands he could be in. Thank you for also putting up with my constant emailing, I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you to have all of the information I had. I will forever be grateful and I will also definitely be telling anyone I know that needs an attorney to come to your firm. I will tell everyone how amazing you gentlemen are for the rest of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Timmy ShellToe, Criminal Case
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